
The “ByPass” division is made up of a highly intelligent workforce that is led by Bob Gannon who oversees the division and is known to work side by side with his crew. The division’s primary focus is coordinating the ByPass of moving water. The ByPass division generally works hand in hand in a well-coordinated fashion with other contractors to divert municipal services such as storm, and sanitary lines. Establishing this ByPass system allows fellow contractors to perform updates and repairs to the municipal infrastructures without interrupting service to the community. Gannon Construction Services has successfully performed a variety of bypass contracts in New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Connecticut, Vermont, and Maine.

Our company offers a variety of scopes and services, however when we prepare a bypass proposal we like to provide a full scope of work which we refer to as a ‘turnkey bypass service’. A turnkey bypass service includes site examination and coordinated planning with other contractors, full mobilization that includes all necessary pipe, fittings, pumps, equipment and machines, a bypass plan which is reviewed approved and stamped by an engineer, the experienced manpower to fuse & setup the bypass pipe (typically HDPE), and the necessary labor & materials to bury the pipe beneath roads and driveways as needed. When the bypass system is set up the entire system is pressure tested and inspected. When the bypass service goes on line it is typically supported by at least two or three 12” pumps . Pump size and bypass plans are designed by the engineer and based on the needs of the line which is measured by gallons per minute and flow rates. While the bypass service is in use our company provides a trained technician for 24/7 pump watch to ensure there are no problems or failures in the service. After the necessary work is done the bypass service is turned off and all systems are returned to the normal operating configuration. Often our proposals include the restoration of the site and surrounding areas which may be affected or disturbed during the course of work.

When we performed the bypass work in Johnstown we first had to install a coffer dam, then excavate around the existing pipe so we could install a doghouse access point for the bypass set up. We also replaced manhole risers in addition to the frames and covers that had deteriorated over time.

In recent years our company has provided the bypass services on multiple phases of interceptor rehabilitations in Saratoga County, NY. In addition to the bypass systems we also performed site restoration after the work was completed.

Anne Arundal County - Baltimore, MD

Anne Arundal County - Baltimore, MD

Beacon St Interceptor - Norwalk, CT

Beacon St Interceptor - Norwalk, CT

Key Highway - Baltimore, MD

Key Highway - Baltimore, MD

Saratoga Sewer District - Saratoga, NY

Saratoga Sewer District - Saratoga, NY

Soundview Ave Interceptor Rehab - Stamford, CT

Soundview Ave Interceptor Rehab - Stamford, CT

Woodlawn/Dead Run - Baltimore, MD

Woodlawn/Dead Run - Baltimore, MD

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